Human and physical geography
This term’s focus is on place knowledge. Children have compared and contrasted human and physical geography in the UK with areas/countries in both Europe and the wider world.
Exploring the Geographical features of countries
Reception has been learning about leaders in science who happen to be female. One of the women they learnt about is Amelia Earhart, who set many world records for flying. The children in reception learned about all the different countries she visited and the different types of animals and geographic features she would have come across.
If I were a Masai……contrasting school experiences
Year 2 children have been comparing life in Kenya to their own lives in London. Through the book If I Were a Masai, the children contrasted their own school experiences with those of a child in a little village in Kenya.
Contrasting climate: London and the rainforest
Year 3 children have been comparing London to life in the Amazon. We have learned about why some people choose to live in the Amazon and out of major cities, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of both the city and the rainforest. Here, year 3 pupils have compared the climate of London with Manaus, a city deep in the Amazon.
Contrasting cultural & religious practices in Europe.
Year 5 has been learning all about the Tudors. Henry VIII famously had six wives, and two were born in other European countries. Year 5 discussed the cultural and religious differences and similarities between Henry VIII’s wives based on where they were born.