The Mental Mathematics Curve
Mental maths learnt during the lesson starter. Following on from our early PDM on a cohesive approach across the school to the structure of lessons, all teachers have adopted this in their planning and teaching. The evidence for this was found in: peer evaluation, pupil voice and a mathematics IP visit.
Laying the foundation of number skills
Children have gained a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers. They are able to use language and enthusiasm for maths is evident.
Recalling number facts
Children are developing a deep understanding of number and number relationships, and fluency in addition and subtraction facts. Mental maths starters have given them an opportunity to show how well they have learnt mental maths strategies.
Consolidating Multiplication skills in 3 & 4
Children in Year 3 and 4 use mental maths starters to strengthen their skills in multiplication. They demonstrate their ability and resilience to learn through a variety of activities: through repetition, chanting and consolidation.
Multiplying & Dividing by multiples of 10
Children are developing their ability to recall number facts rapidly.
This is clearly shown through a range of engaging activities. Children use these activities to recap learning and demonstrate their retention, speed and fluency in mental maths strategies and skills.