Making Maths Masters
Learning Numbers through Song - Nursery
In Nursery children have been exploring number through number songs, number hunts and the number of the week. Key number skills are imbedded in the morning carpet time routine. Moving into Reception, where Mastering Number has been used to embed 1:1 correspondence and the understanding of what a number is.
Exploring Manipulatives for Accuracy - Year 1
In Year One, the children have explored a range of manipulatives to ensure the accuracy of their knowledge of number bonds of 10. This has helped them look for patterns and adopt a systematic approach to their learning.
Make it stand out
In Year Three, they have continued to use manipulatives to support their understanding of the number system before moving onto the abstract.
Rapid Recall - Year 6
In Year Six, pupils have been keeping a record of their rapid recall of number facts by completing their record sheet. Pupils have demonstrated their understanding of number facts by completing timed passport activities and LBQ questions in class.