Creativity and Ingenuity
The pictures below demonstrates different aspects of the Design, Make and Evaluate Assignment (DMEA). The talking, drawing and making of mock ups or prototypes lead them to the end result. Recording this process allows the children to look back on their original ideas, remember changes and difficulties they have come across. This can act as a springboard for ideas they can implement in the final product.
Making Beanstalks - Reception
In Reception, the children had planted beans and read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They assembled the ‘bean plant’ by cutting out the leaves and sticking them on to the stalk. Whilst they put their bean together the children talked about the up and down movement of the lever.
The children were photographed at different stages in the making process so that they could use the photos as prompts to make a variation of the beanstalk independently.
Animating Flames - Year 2
In Year 2, the children used their Fire of London artwork as a backdrop for their levers and sliders. In class, they talked about the different movement of levers and sliders, what features of the artwork could move and the desired effect. The KS1 children presented their work to reception children. showing how the fire could move up and down, and right to left. They showed a simple lever, using a paper fastener as the pivot, using the picture of water being thrown out of a bucket.
Ancient Greek Foods - Year 4
In year 4 children are learning about The Ancient Greeks. They have discussed different Greek foods and recorded this on a plate in their DT books. The children tasted tzatziki, humus and pita bread to select the dips they will make.The children identified food hygiene risks and hazards in order to use utensils, and prepare the ingredients, safely.
Gifting Shapes - Year 6
The children in year 6 used their shape maths lessons to inform them in the designs of a prototype chocolate box. The prototypes follow an Easter theme or Mother’s Day gift.
The class looked at the end result of chocolate boxes on the market and unfolded actual boxes. The children are yet to enjoy chocolate tasting and design their own chocolates.