Transitions in gymnastics

This half term classes will be focusing on floor gymnastics. EYFS will concentrate on basic fundamental movements. KS1 will learn balance and different ways of traveling across apparatus culminating in performing a sequence of movements, gymnastics skills including transitions with correct technique in KS2.

Moving safely in a variety of ways

EYFS will be continuing to learn fundamental movements and developing their ability to move in a variety of ways. They will also learn how to safely move over, under, through different balance and climbing equipment. 

Exploring shapes and techniques in gymnastics

This half term year 1 has been introduced to different ways of traveling across the floor and creating different shapes using their bodies. Children will learn how to do basic gymnastics shapes such as tuck, pike straddle and star with correct posture and technique.

Balances & counter balances in gymnastics

This half term Year 3 will be learning about counter balances in gymnastics. Counter balances are where children are working with a partner to hold each other’s body weight in a balance. As well as their ability to balance, they will also use their communication skills with their partner in order to achieve. They will also learn how to transition between one balance and another safely whilst making their performance feel more professional.

Dynamics of movement

Year 6 will be learning dynamic movements over apparatus, making sure that their hand placement on the equipment is strong and stable enough to allow us to generate enough power through our legs to clear the obstacle. Timing and technique are both very important for this and we spend time on this to make sure the children have a good depth of understanding. We will aim to teach a successful vault jump off the springboard.


Body percussion in Nursery


MM@ Quaggy’s Carnival