Celebrating Writing

Our pupils develop a variety of reading skills and strategies in order to comprehend different texts. Below shows a selection of the strategies covered. 

Reception pupils using a story map

Reception pupils loved reading the story Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne.

They used a story map to sequence the different animals Handa met on her journey to her friend Akeyo’s house and the fruits each of the animals took!

Year 1’s List of items for a visit to the moon

Our year 1 pupils enjoyed reading about a ‘Man on the Moon’ called Bob. They used their new knowledge of the moon to explain the items they would pack if they ever visited the moon and gave their reasons why.

Year 3 Pupils Making connections with the “Great Kapok Tree”

Linked to their work on Rainforests, year 3 pupils immersed themselves in the story ‘The Great Kapok Tree’. They used their observation and prediction skills to understand the story as well as making connections with other books they had read.

Year 5 celebrating Influential Female Scientists

Pupils in year 5 developed key reading skills such as researching and summarising in learning linked to Science Week. They found out about a variety of female scientists who have made significant contributions to society, for example, Katherine Johnson.


Telling Stories through Music


Composition in Art