Building Healthy Bodies
Synchronised Warm Ups - Reception
In Reception Dance, children have been practising synchronized moves in their warm up. Children are learning to work in pairs, and as a large group, to the simple beat of percussion instruments. Using words, music and stories, children respond with moves that we, as a large group, share and perform. They are replicating basic dance moves using the school PE scheme in their cool downs.
Movement and Dance - KS1
Year 1 and 2 have developed their skills in dance using simple movement patterns both alone and in a group. They have looked to incorporate rolls and turns into their routines and develop their awareness of space and use it effectively. Year 1 have performed dance routines based on fairytales and year 2 on animals.
Teamwork, Coordination, and Focus - LKS2
Year 3 and 4 have been learning about high -five positions and one to one marking in netball, as well as going swimming. Students have worked on their teamwork, concentration, footwork (pivot foot and , hand-eye coordination, efficiency of throw and anticipation.
Tackling Tennis - Year 6
Year 6 have been doing tennis this term and working on improving agility and coordination and use in a game. They have also learnt how to to identify and describe some rules of tennis. They know that a serve is used to begin a game and have explored hitting with the forehand.