Being Safe Online

At Morden Mount, the students are being taught about the significance of online safety for them. We have developed a series of activities to raise awareness about everyday online threats and equip them with the knowledge of how to prevent unsafe situations and react when they come across something that scares or makes them feel uncomfortable.

Introduction to ICT - Early Years

In nursery and reception, students are introduced to computers and start exploring their functionalities. Although they might have prior experience with technology at home, mainly for entertainment purposes such as watching videos or playing games, at school they learn how to use it as a tool for learning. By the end of the term, children begin to independently explore the possibilities of ICT through the use of computers.

Intro to Internet Safety - KS1

In KS1, pupils were being taught about internet safety through a series of books called Dizzy the Duck. The books emphasize the importance of staying alert while online and always having an adult nearby. Additionally, the students discussed the rules they should follow to stay safe and signed the Morden Mount Internet Safety Agreement.

Creating Content - KS1

During this term, children focused on online safety and also learned about creating their own media. In KS1, pupils were taught how to create and edit photographs, while children in lower KS2 started recording and editing their own movies. They were taught how to use the camera on an iPad and then edit the footage using iMovie.

Logic and Safety - KS2

In KS2, pupils started their computing lessons by learning about the importance of being safe online. They were reminded about the dangers of online grooming, bullying, and accessing inappropriate and dangerous content, as well as the risks associated with sharing photos with others. After this, the pupils coded their own game of ping pong using Scratch.


Creativity and Problem Solving


Inspiration and Expression