Mini Historians
A Morden Mount historian is curious about the past and how it shapes the present. They think critically, weigh evidence, and collaborate with others to tackle history’s big questions. Their strong understanding of chronology helps them to draw contrasts and make connections.
Old vs New - Reception
Reception have developed their understanding of the past and present by exploring old and new objects. They have enjoyed investigating these items in their role play area. Additionally, Reception learned about the story of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, as well as the significance of Remembrance Day, as part of their history lessons.
Landmarks of London - Year 1
This term, Year 1 have explored various London landmarks, discussing their history and distinctive features. They compared older landmarks with more recently constructed ones and examined how the city of London has evolved over time.
Living in the Stone Age - Year 3
Year 3 have brought their Stone Age learning to life through a range of exciting wider curriculum activities. Parents were invited to join their children in building Stone Age shelters and trying their hand at fire-making. Students also had the chance to handle artefacts, including a mammoth’s tooth, during their visit to the Horniman Museum.
Vikings and Anglo-Saxtons - Year 5
This year 5 topic poster on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings showcases the learning journey pupils have been on this term. Lessons have focused on building both substantive and disciplinary knowledge, with students working towards answering two key enquiry questions. Additional curriculum activities, such as a Viking workshop, have further enhanced student engagement and deepened their understanding of the topic.