Art Inspired By Everything Everywhere All At Once
A Morden Mount artist is confident to experiment and create with a wide range of materials and has been exposed to a variety of modern and historical artists. They can evaluate and analyse creative art in its widest sense and can produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
Firework Art - EYFS
In the EYFS there was evidence of children developing their knowledge of colour mixing through a range of activities. Children had the opportunity to explore how colours were mixed through a firework activity as pictured. Children worked on collaboration, different painting techniques and collage to create artwork that reflected community and being together.
African Inspired Art - Year 2
Children in Year 2 have been studying Africa as their main topic. This opened up a wide range art experiences for them to explore and investigate. They studied the South African artist Esther Mahlangu and her vibrant geometric patterns. They also learnt about primary and secondary colour palettes and colour wheels. The artwork pictured here is of an African sky with blended colours to show a sunset.
River Inspired Art - Year 4
In year 4 children are learning about rivers. This lead them to exploring different effects created using watercolours, and studying a range of different landscapes created by various different artists. They also studied the work of David Hockney, who painted many pictures that had water as its main subject. The picture here shows a watercolour of the river Thames.
Historically Inspired Art - UKS2
Again, our art learning was closely linked to the curriculum, where the children in Year 6 have been studying the Second World War and Year 5 Saxons and Vikings. Year 6 studied and created propaganda poster art. Children in Year 5 looked at how different artists have interpreted the mythical monster Grendel from the story of Beowulf. Children learnt different drawing techniques such as cross-hatching and contouring before applying this to a final piece.